I know originaly with the empeg size was a major factor to fit everything in there. There was also talk of adding a small amp and cd-rom in a future release. which of course doesnt look to be happening now with the EOL and all.

Anyways though I would post this. This computer is itty bitty and price is fairly low for the power behind this thing as well. Features an Intel 810 motherboard
1 Ghz Intel Pentium III processor
128MB 144-pin PC100 RAM
20 GB internal hard drive
24x CD ROM Drive
Built-in 10/100 base-T ethernet (RJ45)
Internal 56K V.90 modem
No operating system installed.
All standard I/O ports built-in
Dimensions: 5.8" x 6.1" x 2"

For roughly $900, now thats tight. Imagine what one could do with something like this.

Blue MK2 20 Gig #090000956 4796 Songs Available at all times.