Woah! being the first one to see it off your website ill be the first to say WOW!!!! The movie was pretty bad quality, like you said it was, but damn even so, it looked amazing. Its cool how the text of the song scrolls at the bottom and the visuals are crazy!! I almost peeded in my pants when i saw the one with the balls bounceing everywhere! Wait, hold on. Look, my socks are yellow! I did pee in my pants! Thats gotta be the highest form of a complement by peeing on ones self in complete amazement. What do you think Hugo? One tiny thing. Could you maybe take a closer shot, maybe one that would only show the screen. Im sure your already working on the quality. Trust me, ill downoload a 50mb file if it means you getting the best and longest footage. Good work and thanks for the video. ill being looking forward to seeing future updates.

1st Original Mark I Owner in California: Serial Number 27.