Hmm checking it seems there was an a$$load of whitespace
in the comment field, yes. Odd though, as it was a new
file I just encoded. Wiping it out seemed to fix the problem.
So it must have been the comment field. but there are no
warnings or errors in emplode unless you also add the
track to a playlist and not just dump it in another field.

Yes I was aware the file name doesn't make it (using the 2.0b3 beta dev kernel) from looking about. the Warning only
occured if I added the new file to a playlist and then uploaded.
It was "The Length of the playlist [listname] did not match the
actual number of children detected.

btw, the warning/error window SUCKS. Having to jerk around
with the window just to see an error is rather annoying.
Have to remember to send that off.

However neither emplode or the empeg seem to like my
unicode, JIS, SJIS or EUC characters. I assume Big-5
chars fare the same. Just mapped to standard 8 bit trash.
I'm fluent in 5 languages, so I use a japanese keyboard and
have a unicode patch to Win9x.

Wonder if I could patch the empeg to display properly. hmmm
might be an interesting thing to do later.

When I shoot MY super-computer, the bullets really DO bounce off. What about yours?