Did any of you guys check out the first thing that was listed on that CES webpage? There's a very brief description at http://www.1limited.com/tech/sp/how/. It piqued my interest, because it looks like they must be using the long promised ultra-sonic speakers. For anyone who hasn't read about them, they're one of those "five years from now" popular science products that uses interference from two ultrasonic frequencies (say 200,000 HZ and 210,000) to produce a coherent beam of audible sound. The only problem is that the distortion is massive, gets exponetially worse as you increase volume, and requires some hellish math (as in being worked on by MIT phd's) to get rid of it.

From their description of the product it sounds like they must have gotten around these problems, or found some other way to deliever a focused beam of sound. Cool stuff though, because if you mounted one of these speakers (they're supposedly quite small) on an actuator (say in a next-next generation THX theater) you could make sound come from literally any location in the theater by projecting the sound beam at it.

"It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care..." -office space