The best headset I had was when I did support for a local ISP. The first day, the VP is telling me all about the job, and she remembers she has to take care of something. She grabs this thing of goo, and tells me to tilt my head to the side. She put the goo in my ear to form a mold of it, and sent it off. A week later, I had this little ear piece to use with the headsets. It was awesome. It fit easially, and was confortable to wear. I about cried when I saw my headsets here at my current job could have used that mold, and I left it behind. Oh well...
I just want a wireless headset. There was a trial rollout right before the economy went to crap, and I have used one that was floating around for a while. It was so nice to not worry about the cord while trying to go to a nearby lab machine. A wireless headset combined with the molded earpiece above and I might actually not mind my job
