Thanks for posting this question here, after I suggested doing so in a private e-mail.

The reason I directed you here instead of answering in your private e-mail was because I have become suspicious recently about some e-mail queries I have received. Yours was the second private e-mail in a week that I have received asking where to get parts for the docking sled.

Such private e-mails might be mis-interpreted to be coming from thieves looking for spare parts to resurrect their stolen booty. Since you have posted your query here in a public forum, we can rest assured that you're on the level and this is a legitmate query.

The other e-mail I got was from a person who refused to post his question here on the BBS. I am now suspicious of that person since he specifically stated that he was not willing to post his question on the BBS, and when I suggested that he contact technical support, he merely replied with a "wink" emoticon. (Rob: If you want me to forward those e-mails to you, let me know.)

To answer your question:

The Mark2 docking connector is reportedly hard to obtain if you are only buying a single connector. If I remember the prior conversations on the subject, they are usually only sold in bulk directly to manufacturers.

It might be easier just to buy a complete Mk2 docking sled from the Rio store. I know they aren't cheap, but you will be certain to get what you need.
Tony Fabris