Well this move will definitely exhaust the stock... I wonder what the resale value will settle on once the product is no longer available new... Personally if I could get $700 or so for my MkII I think I'd do it. I did want to have two units in case one goes down, but I don't think that's a luxury I can afford anymore.

The unique thing about the Empeg is that it's still extremely advanced technology. Even if it were released last week it would look like an amazing product. My hope is that a bunch of people start to find out about it and throw big money around to try to snap one up in good condition. I think there are a some examples of products that have done this (the region-hackable Apex DVD players are one I can think of offhand) where they held their value (and sometimes increased sharply) after being EOL'ed. Maybe there is hope for those of us who purchased at (what is now) a very high price.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff