Oops.. I got that wrong in the previous post.
Here are the corrected current observations:

Visuals visible:
0x000004: // off (beta3, beta6)
0x000005: // off (beta7)
0x010004: // line (beta3, beta6)
0x010005: // line (beta7)
0x020004: // transient (beta3, beta6)
0x020005: // transient (beta7)
0x021105: // transient (beta7) <--- corrected value

Visuals NOT visible:
0x020403: // track (beta3, beta6, beta7)
0x020404: // now&next (beta3, beta6)
0x020405: // now&next (beta7)
0x021505: // now&next (beta7)
0x020404: // infoseek (beta7)