Whoa... Heaps of activity here :)

I noticed some confusion in the posts, so I thought I'd clarify and respond a bit.

Time, you say: "Well, fundmentally, it is a cost issue. " and "The other element is that due to the competitive nature of branding". My point is, if cost is a factor, then surely simply using lineout rather than going via a weird tuner modulator is cheaper and therefore less hassle than the way everyone does it. Also, If no-one wants to allow cross-compatibility, then why do they all produce units with modulators that are specifically for other brands?

Tony: Good points, and thanks for the heads up on the interconnectivity products. I agree broadly with your view of "who wants CD anyhow?", but there are a lot of times when you just want to be able to throw a CD in. OF course, I could always just rip the CD on my laptop and dump it onto my Riocar on the spot, but it is easier to be able to just throw the CD in. I do a lot of work mastering CDs and stuff for local bands, and it is handy to be able to meet them and just throw in the CD, and any they have on them they want to show you.

Everyone else: Great ideas and stuff. Never really meant that the changer should be controllable from the Riocar/Empeg, but that could actually be quite cool.

All I really meant was:

Anyone know how to get one of those changers with an external controller to provide straight line level output via a pair of RCAs, which could be plugged into the Aux channel of the Riocar?

I just figured that maybe three of the pins of some proprietary standard would equate to left, right and earth or something, and could thus be easily adapted to line level plugs. Then, slap the external controller in the dash next to Mr Empeg, and hey presto - CD for the odd occasion you need it.
