Or just search the net, because practically every car most people will be interested in looking up has been documented online somewhere for free. :)

Also, there wasn't a need when ordering a new empeg to pre-purchase an ISO adapter or harness. One comes with the unit in the box (unless it was mistakenly left out of the package :)

What you *should* buy is a metra harness adapter for your car. That will plug into your factory haness and will come with all the wires labled. You may be able to get one direct to ISO (if that's what you have, then you can skip using the split-wire harness that comes with the empeg and ignore what I wrote above :) Otherwise, just get the plain metra adapter and wire it to the one that comes with the empeg (again, even the plain metra adapter comes labled).

Follow up to this post with what kind of car you have and what other sound equipment you will be running and we'll give you some specific tips.


Man, the board is picking up a lot of trafic. The member-counter has been going up steadily over the past few days as well.
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