Now, the $25000 question: What compromises a Latin2 character set?

There is no shortage of standards for Latin2 character set (as is the case for most other non-ASCII sets): MS-DOS, MSW and ISO . Where do I collect my prize?

I agree with your remarks, of course. Untill somebody (and that pretty much means guys@empeg) devises a way to switch codepages or migrate to full 16-bit Unicode I think I will stick with Latin1, since I don't have that many Croatian or other Latin2 titles and I would not like to sacrifice correct display of umlauts, cedilles etc. Besides, whan I began computing there was only ASCII (and EBCEDIC, FieldData etc - English, in one word), no Latin-this-or-that, so I am used of reading Croatian in 7-bit.
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue