Thanks Nester, but my head isn't the stock unit - I have an older Sony that does have preamp RCA outs. I assume these will be adequate, although interestingly the Sony also has an input for TV. I played with the idea of using that input for the empeg - does that make sense? What I/O power issues might I have with that - it seems like the audio out on most TV's would be a preamp level, so it should be pretty safe no? But then I have a preamp going into a preamp, won't that double noise and confound the volume controls? Do I leave the EQ on one flat and adjust with the other? Do I risk overdriving the HU with the preamp on the Empeg and creating distortion - like a guitar amp - I wan't it to rock, but.... :-)

MkIIA 60 GB Smoke MkIIA 120 GB Blue