I am having trouble getting Ethernet working on my new MkIIa. Right out of the box it worked with the USB and serial connections, but getting the Ethernet working seems to eluding me.

I found another thread here that talks about something kinda similiar and tried the things suggested there, and I have checked off everything in the FAQ section dealing with this as well.

Emplode is running on Win2K, the Empeg is set up on a small hub with several other computers. The cable works 100% (even at 100mb). The link line on both sides is on, and the hub is correctly sensing it to be 10mbs. I have tried several IP addresses in the little class C 192.168.1.XX network (there is no DHCP). My netmask is good, the gatway is correct (though irrelevant I would think.)

And yes, the Empeg is plugged in.

I have since installed the 1.03 developer image in an attempt to do some troubleshooting on the Empeg side, but ifconfig and ping are absent.

I am new to the Empeg of course, but I am pretty computer savvy. I know my way around Unix as a user, but Unix systems administrator is not something I can claim on my resume. Any advice as to additional ways to troubleshoot this problem would be very much appreciated.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB