Yep, I agree there. Clearly, if the empeg interface is split by mode, then EQ belongs in SETUP. Looking at the current user interface, it is a very delicate balance of setup features and playback features.

It seems to me among the fundamentals of modern UI's are 1) it has to be simple yet feature-rich 2) the most common functions are obvious/second nature the rest are suppressed in some manner. One of the techniques for accomplishing the above is to identify all the popular features and put them right in the front somehow (e.g. you have to do more work to get to the advanced stuff). Another way is to build heirarchical structures to bury stuff deeply to simulate a simpler interface.

That said, the empeg player software has become incredibly feature-rich that what is considered to be common is different depending on the context of what the user wants to do. Without declaring "setup" and "playback" as the only two modes, even if we made these two rudimentary buckets and tossed things like "clock settings" in one and "visuals" in another --- then set things up so that when one mode is declared, all the other irrelevant features are completely suppressed and effectively gone. Poof. Now you have a nice clean interface, and supposedly (not sure if it is true) you'd then have the buttons mapped to further benefit the common features of the mode rather than the common features of the features.

Calvin "another 2 cents"