You can do the headphone jack and speaker outputs with a small amplifier. And mount that inside your docking case. Yes, you will need an amplifier if you want decent performance from decent headphones.

The dimmer switch is easy - you just have to provide +12v to the line normally used for illumination sensing in the car. You'll already be using a +12v output power supply in the case to power the empeg, so you just wire another lead with a switch off the +12 line. That was a nice idea I hadn't thought about previously, thanks. :)

I suppose I would probably want a car config for home docking as well (instead of having hijack do a forced AC setting) - especially if using this with my backup empeg. However, when using it as a dock for the unit you take back and forth to your car, it's not so nice to have to share some of the settings. For instance, in the car I keep my volume locked at 0db. In the home dock, you might need to use (or prefer to use) the empeg's volume control (depending on the amplifier you incorporate into your design).

Mark Lord mentioned a small amplifier he recently purchased in another thread. The store is relatively local to me so I'll be passing by soon. Probably not for another 2 weeks though because I'll be away next week. I'll take pictures and post anything I get, so hopefully others will do the same.

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