I would also like to thank the EMPEG team for this Empeg. I own a Mark I and I am so happy with it. I followed this product for months and watched it become one of the few high end mp3 products to not be vaporware.

I agree it is a device you have to see to really get, as most magazines and press seemed to ignore it.

I have to say that as a person who sees many tech devices that this is the one device that had me satisfied and left open ended enough to make new features availble thereby extending the life and interest in the product

How many other tech gadjets have you bought that turned out to be impractical, unupgradable, or you just got bored with it? Plenty.

Not so with the empeg/riocar

I just wanted to say thanks for making an amazing product, sticking by us, the users and community, and making yours and our dreams come true.

[cry] and ill be there to get a mark III even though i missed out on the mark II [/cry] :)

thanks guys. happy new year!
Mark I + Mark IIa | Jeep 97 TJ
my current blog