The Radeon 8500 is comparable to a Geforce 3 Ti 200 for speed. The All in Wonder 8500 runs something on the card slightly slower, but not enough to notice much. Right now ATI's drivers aren't the best that they could be, but they are improving quite a bit. The hardware will probably see some speed boosts from future drivers.

The normal 8500 does support dual monitors, but dosen't come with a firewire port. The AIW 8500 dosen't support dual monitors, but dues support dual displays when using a TV. It also comes with a TV tuner, the firewire ports on the card and breakout box, and an RF remote. I use the generation below it in my TV system (PC hooked to a 27 inch Gateway Destination monitor) and I get awesome results for DVD playback and TV watching. As I said in the laptop thread, ATI may not always have the fastest 3d, but they more then make up for it in general quality elsewhere.

Oh, and the 8500 is the only card that supports Truform. It's a technology new and recent games are supporting that helps smooth out models jagged edges, with no peformance hit. Some screenshots of this can be seen here

/me jumps off his graphics soapbox