I used HiJack by MLord. Ftp on my hdd all the content of Drv0 and Drv1, and uploaded it back to the new empeg. Worked beautifully. I forgot to put back also the raw partition, so I lost eq setitngs and plays count, but I could have saved those too, if I wanted (simply I did not care much, after all). All this was done in WinXP using SmartFTP as a ftp client. Now, that takes twice the time than to ftp from one empeg to the other, but if you don't mind about that, it works perfectly and you don't need any special sw change into empeg, besides HiJack, that I would suggest you to install anyway
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg