Right, that's what I was afraid you were going to say.

Don't bother. The files are not stored as arbitrary MP3 files that you could just copy as a group from your PC.

In order for the player to work, it must use its database and its emplode software to load the music. If you just copy the files without using Emplode, then the files won't appear on the player and you won't be able to play them.

The amount of hassle required to build all the necessary database information from an arbitrary set of files would easily exceed the time it takes to simply use USB or Ethernet as it was intended, to transfer 10 gigs of files.

My only tips for transferring that many files are:

- Use version 1.03 of the software to do it. Don't use the beta for huge transfers yet, it's not totally stable.

- Do the transfers in small groups, say, a gig or less at a time. That way, if the process crashes, then you won't have as much backpedaling to do. Note that the 1.03 software is very stable and should be able to transfer 10 gigs at once provided that there's nothing wrong with your system and you don't knock the power plug out of the back of the player. I just recommend doing it in small chunks "just in case".

- Ethernet is a tad faster than USB, so use that if you can.
Tony Fabris