Nick, I agree with you (slightly). That is why I said that the most I can say about it is that it is unethical. But, you can not honestly tell me that when someone bids from their broadband connection with only seconds remaining in the auction that they are doing so for any other reason but to make sure that no one can outbid them. I mean, come on. (sorry for the run-on sentence!) There is no other plausable reason that someone would bid at the last moment. They didn't just "happen upon" the auction at that very second.

Usuallywhat happens in any auction, online or not, is that you say "okay, I'm willing to pay $20 for that." Then someone bid $21.00. So you say to yourself "well, I knew I said $20 was my maximum bid, but I can't let myself lose this for 1 measly dollar!" So you bid $22. And also, you initial bid may be a bit lower because you are currently involved in several auctions. If you lose a few of the others, then suddenly you can rationalize spending more on the remaining auction.

Everytime I've been out bid like this at the last second, I do say "well, I should have bid more", but the fact remains that the person who did it had every intent to make sure no one else had a chance to outbid him/her.
Brad B.