Whatcha guys think...can i install my riocar myself? is it easy?!...any tips? thanx

In a word (well, three words): It all depends...

If you have an existing installation with an external amplifier and you are just replacing your CD player with the empeg... then, yes. It's a piece of cake.

If you have an existing CD player with Auxillliary inputs, and have room in your dash for a second DIN-sized player... then probably. It's not quite as simple, but it ain't rocket science either.

If you are just replacing your existing CD player and have never done stereo installation... then probably not. It depends on how comfortable you are about ripping your dash apart, removing carpeting and trim panels, drilling holes in your car, finding creative locations for amplifiers, and figuring out and stringing the appropriate gage wire, along with knowing about things like avoiding ground loops and not running your signal wires along the same paths as your power wires, etc.

It's not that hard to do if you've done it before. If you haven't, then you will be best off having it professionally done, or having an experienced friend lend a hand.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"