I'm really looking for a way to mimic Frank's DS functionality, but with a twist. He would have as part of his web index / streaming / downloading section a function that would send play commands to the player, so as you're browsing through your playlists you could from your browser play a tune or a playlist. I want to do the same thing with my app, only my app doesn't run on the player, it runs on a Win2K webserver (with a serial connection to my empeg). My app runs independently of the player most of the time, but for this function (which would obviously only work if you had the Empeg connected) I'd like to be able to send commands (through serial I guess is the only way) to play fids from my browser interface.

Hmmm...I'm feeling a bit wordy tonight. Probably time I sleep.
- Chris Orig. Empeg Queue position 2