If you could get one made for $20-30, I'd buy from you and throw in the towel.

The ones I am attempting to make take about 2 hours of setup time and 14 hours to cut on my machine. The raw material costs about $15 each and I've invested about $2000 in tooling and software (not including the $4000 for the mill - but that was purchased for other reasons). I never expected to make all the money back but I really wanted to make some cool fascia's for the worlds best car stereo. It turned out the aluminum fascia's were much harder to make than I originally expected. It can be done, but for me to make each one myself it would be a full-time job (and I'm alerady very happy with my real job).

I'm currently reseaching other techniques for making the metal fascia's including outsourcing to a production machine shop or creating a mold and having a foundary cast them.

Right now the biggest chance I have is having a production shop cut the fascia's since a friend of mine manages a big machine shop.