I can't use cddb from home as I don't have a dial-in account that I can use from home... I do contract work and so I can't really get a dial-in account without having to change it every 6 months...

The reason I can't access the cddb from work is cos of their bloody proxy systems... they have 2 proxies here, the first one (the one we have to configure in the browser) uses a completely bizzare port... that proxy is set up to translate to another random port (which one they don't reveal) and then that 2nd proxy is the one that does the actualy connection. Not to mention the fact that I'm not allowed to install any software on the machines here at work (security risk apparently *boggles*)

Just a bit of a pain really...

- Given two theories.... pick the one that sounds funniest -
- Given two theories.... pick the one that sounds funniest -