>I suggest that we add a special device either to the kernel
>or [more simply] just have a special device name
>reserved within the ftp process in the Hijack kernel that
>allows us to upload .zimage files to the empeg via ftp.

Well.. this turns out to be extremely easy.. since the Empeg boys have already done it for us (Thanks, Hugo!).

Flashing A Kernel via Ethernet:

(1) Prepare the player: this needs to be done just once:
-- install the developer software image
-- install a Hijack kernel (v119+ recommended) the "hard way", and reboot.
-- login over the serial port (hit 'q').
-- type this command:rw && mknod /dev/flash_kernel b 60 8 && ro && sync && exit

(2) Once you have done the prep work (once ever per Empeg unit.. dunno if upgrades will wipe it out or not), you can flash new (Hijack!) kernels at will using FTP:

-- ftp empeg
-- put zImage /dev/kernel_flash
-- quit

(3) wait 10 seconds (the flash write may happen asynchronously).

(4) reboot the empeg from the Hijack menu, or by cycling the power.

