Since the couple of days i am having the unit now, i keep reading about this and that feature to be added at beta x. ISn't there a software roadmap avalible, a project plan which allows your customers to see when they can expect feature a/b/c to be implemented - or so the just know WHAT you will implement ? Eg. i am desperately waiting for the EQ function - i need the EQ to get the sound right - it's essential to me. A simple bass and treble adjustment would fit in the first place - but when will i get this ? Also - from the marketing side - this would allow future customers to see what they will get with the empeg - and there might be this or that feature which people are looking for, which cannot be found on any other unit out there. Might be a big pro-empeg argument.

If you do such a thing - please, don't be like Wintel an announce things which will never make it in.... :-)

Thanks, AO

PS: Don't slap me now - but what is yor plan in having a production software release out ?