I am impressed that you seem to realize that, even though it is a Porsche Boxter S, it is still just a car and that the important thing is nobody was injured.

I have known too many people who go absolutely ballistic -- taking it as a personal affront -- when somebody makes a mistake and has the incredible nerve to actually damage their property.

People fly way off the handle on that sort of thing. The street I work on is a hot spot for accidents, so I watch many such incidents involving someone going ballistic (9 times out of 10, the idiot who caused it) over a scratch or a dent, usually not major damage.

But then again, I work with people like this. They didn't understand my "s**t happens" attitude when I got a tiny nick in my bumper while my car was parked on the street.

Some people have no proper grounding in reality.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony