Ok then... I knew that was coming.

Actually I saved for a long while fom my Mark II unit and my MkIIa is still sitting on my Credit Card. I buy things where I see value and I really didn't see the value in the CD-RB10... and you kinda pointed out the worthlessness of the 10. The 20 was just a shot in the dark, I never really considered buying that one anyways. Another factor is the fact that I can't seem to find a supplier of these parts located in Canada. I am at least 180 kms from the nearest Radio Shack so I am pretty much left to shop online. I don't like buying from US sites due to the duties that I always get hit with, unlike shopping from Europe which I have gotten everything duty free. (NAFTA???!!!)

Thanks again for the help! I truly appreciate it.
12 gig empeg Mark II, SN: 080000101
30 gig RioCar SN: 30103114
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