Im 29 but my dad was a computer science professor back in the 70's, so we always had "pc's" lying around the house.
My first taste was on a Commodore PET.
I then upgraded to the Commodore 64 (anybody remember Jumpman?)
Then an Amiga 500, then an Amiga 5000 (anybody remember Rocket Ranger).
Then I shrugged off computers for years and worked for the National Park Service in Maine (Acadia).
Didnt take though.
The web pulled me in in '96, been stuck ever since.
Now running a GB Pentium 4 Dell Optiplex, and a Poweredge 2200 PII400 webserver in the closet.
Plus endless periphals.
What a geek.
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.