Thank you everybody for your suggestions.

I am making several tests, since I do think this is all extremely subjective, not to mention the fact that all depends also on your car, installation,c omponents, etc. So, and I am trying to stay away for pre-settings and go parameter by parameter. I never liked VBR for some reason, even though it seems that now they are convenient, if properly configured in lame. Now, I am still encoding at FBR, 256 usually. I put q0 since I don't mind if it takes more time, so if that setting can increase the quality even by little, it's welcome. Now I am facing the frequency filters issue. What happens if I get rid of them, or if I change the default configuration somehow? Has anybody tried this? Does the size increase, and if so, by how much? I know this info is available in modre than on website etc, but I was hoping to get some "non-religious" and practical experience from you.

Thank you!

= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg