I posted some pics of the install a few weeks ago. You should be able to search for the post.
The Integra's dash is practically a double-DIN. I had to trim a bit of a lip from the bottom and top of the mounting hole in the car. I attached both cages (of the Clarion and Empeg) with duct tape (and a small spacer to account for their own small front lips) and then used the bending tabs on both to secure them to the dashboard.
Because the Clarion has a plastic frame that clips around the front of its cage, I also had to sand that a bit on top and bottom (you can't see it) and I dropped the face plat of the empeg a little bit (mine was set too high from the factory).
Given the chance to do it all over again, I would make sure NOT to mount the empeg cage flush with the Clarion cage. That's because the Clarion head sticks out the front a lot more than the empeg. Offsetting the empeg cage forward (toward the cabin), I would have been able to make them both match a lot better and I may not have needed to sand the plastic Clarion frame.
www.mypocket.com/images/indash1.jpg &