ahhh, this does seem like a good idea,
do something like, run a script that goes through the player songs, and starts assigning PINS to them, starting at 0001 and incrementing, then it would make a easily readable format that you could print out and have for an easy reference of all the songs on the player.
or it could be something in the emplode software itself, where everything it downloads it automatically assigns a PIN number to the track, simply incrementing the number (an option that could be turned off if people don't want it)
I like the search button, but it's hard to remember what all the songs start with, and if the ID3 is filled out or not (yes yes I know, I gotta do that, but with 18.5 gigs of mp3's on it at the moment, it's hard to find the time)
I'm perfectly happy with the current system, but I could see where this would come in handy for people.
god I love my empeg (wanted it since before the Mk1 was even shipping, couldn't afford it until SB slashed the prices

one quick edit: the reason a lookup sheet would be good for passengers, is because my passengers don't know every song that I have on the player, so they could look through them, and play one they wanted. it could also allow you to listen to songs that you forgot about, scrolling through the list looking for one song, and you see one that you haven't heard in years, ahhhhh nostalgia.