And Heather, I'm a bit confused. I was curious what kind of a person would want leopard-print carpet
A wacko

or someone with bizzare dept store fetishes. I just like leopard print fake fur. Can't explain the attraction, but then again the family had declared me as an eccentric by age 9. The whole black and red bit with the factory interior on my car is like I said "too goth" for me, especially since it's in a convertible, and, the rash of people in the past few months coming into the showroom saying "I want a white one exactly like the one outside" (used to be the combo no one wanted, there are now 4 within 8 blocks of my house). I feel the need to customize my interior a bit. I'd do the insets of the seats too if I could without interfering with by butt warmers and airbags.
And I stick mostly to traditional things like landscapes and nudes in my art