a "Repeat: on/off" runtime option would be *hugely* useful.

The problem with being able to set looping on both the unit and from within emplode is that the UI on the unit may become more complex. I'd be interested in other people's ideas here. I can think of a few ways to do it:

1. Have a single global option for repeat that is either on or off like the Information item on the menu is now. When selecting a playlist it will set this option to the flag specified in the playlist information. If necessary the user can then change the option _after_ playing the playlist.

2. A single global option for repeat that is either on, off or auto. On and off would force that state and auto would pick it up from the playlist flags when necessary.

3. A popup menu that appears after you select a playlist automatically that gives the opportunity to tailor the flags - i.e. it would contain Loop, Shuffle and possibly some others all set automatically from the playlist flags with an accept menu item as the default. There could even be a playlist flag that stops this menu being displayed, acting as if accept had been chosen without changing anything. (This would also solve the confusion over shuffle as a side-effect).

When I started writing this 1 was my preferred option but I'm starting to like 3 too :-)

Any more suggestions?

Mike Crowe
I may not be speaking on behalf of empeg above :-)
Mike Crowe