I ordered my empeg over a month ago and just finally installed it myself last night.

On the good news, it sounds great. It also looks really good. The default screen (blue) matches my car perfectly. The black finish is a good match, but not perfect (I wonder how feasible it would be to paint it?). I DD’d (designated driver) last night and impressed a bunch of drunk people though J.

I had a few problems, such as the fact that my rear speakers don't work (when I last paid attention to them about 6 months ago, I noticed that you could just barely hear them with them up all the way. Since the empeg - nothing). The kit to fit it into my car also looks like crap. I could get one custom made for another $40 to match my car, but I balked at the price, since I just spent $500+ on empeg and installation.

Those are minor quibbles though. I'll get them fixed eventually. I did have a couple more major problems with the car sled though. The orange wire for the serial connector (which I don't yet use) was never crimped into the harness (QA issue?) I also accidentally broke the wire for the front right speak just after it comes out of the harness. Everything was plugged in on my console while I was installing it. It slid off the edge, fell about 2 inches and stopped, but it was enough to break that wire. I ended up just plugging the rear outputs of the empeg to the front inputs on the OEM-1.

I want to eventually repair both of these wires for obvious reasons. I'm just not sure what to do about it yet. I can't figure out how to fix them myself, but I also don't want to send it back after I finally got it installed. I'd also feel kind of bad sending it back since the speaker wire was my fault.

I'll eventually post some pics if anybody wants to see.
