I can't, unfortunately. The Unix VNC client tries to be overly fancy when doing the negotiations. It notices that you're running a truecolor visual, and, therefore, tells the server that it knows about the truecolor visuals it knows about, leaving out the BGR233 visual. Same sort of thing happens for the encoding, except it leaves out raw encoding when it sees that you're not connecting to localhost. There is no real reason for either of these to happen, since the server tells the client that it wants to use BGR233, and the client can specify encoding preferences. I'll see what I can do, though. (Actually, I reread the spec just now, and I feel certain I can solve the raw encoding problem. Not so sure about the color issue.)

This is actually the first time I've had to play with it in a while. Wife's been a little overly clingy lately.... I might get to something tonight.
Bitt Faulk