Well, the FM tuner does exactly what you'd expect it to do, so its a question of whether or not its worth it to YOU.
Including the CBC, I have good radio programming in my local airspace which includes Vancouver, Seattle and Victoria stations.
The CBC is indispensable for national and regional news, commentary and of course classical programming and the few good local alternative stations are a good source for discovering new material sooner than word-of-mouth. I don't actively seek out new music on television or the Internet, so a random sampling of the dial every so often has netted me a few finds I might never have discovered in my little insular empeg world.
You may have strictly cheese-ball middle-age soccer-mom programming in your airspace, so as always, Your Mileage Might Vary -- but who's to say you're always going to be living in Butthole, Ohio* and may someday have truly valuable electromagnetic pollution.
If my commute and/or driving habits changed, the radio may become more or less valuable to me, so even if I only use it on longer trips currently, I cannot foresee a time when it might be indispensable to me, or superfluous, in which case the completist in me is justified in having it just in case along with a few other empeg accessories I still have not removed from their boxes.
Finally, having a place to wire-in some external controls may prove invaluable.
I am shocked and dismayed that the bottom feeders are asking and GETTING as much as $250USD for the tuners, which I am sure is beyond the value threshold of all but the most desperate buyers.
p.s.: if you are one of the bottom feeders who has made a LITTLE money by speculating on an accessory for an EOL product, don't be too proud -- thats not good salesmanship, its just luck and timing and for what little you're going to make, pathetic.
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MK2 #141 12GB Queue #5723 (SOLD)
MK2a 30GB + grn + tuner + blk empeg case