I got the irda-utils from sourceforge and compiled irattach for the empeg.

I couldn't get irdadump to compile. First it complained about needing libtools >= 1.2 and I had 1.4. After reading autogen.sh, I saw that it only checked for =1.2 or =1.3 so I fixed that. Then it complained during link about unresolved symbols in main.c for things like printf, stdin, exit, etc... not sure what's up with that.

When I cat /proc/tty/drivers, I see this line:
IrCOMM_tty           /dev/irnine    60      64 serial
so I ran:
mknod /dev/ircomm0 c 60 64

When I run
irattach /dev/ttyS2 -s
I get errors like this:
empeg:/etc# irattach /dev/ttyS2 -s

1.1 Tue Nov 9 15:30:55 1999 Dag Brattli
empeg:/etc# IrDA: Registered device irda0
irmanager is not running!
irmanager is not running!
IrLAP, no activity on link!

I think the irLAP error only happens when I have another IR device in range. ATM, I have a Motorola IR dongle on my windows box (yes it does IrDA and IrCOMM normally, I can sync my Palm through it if I run HotSync manager). I use CRT as my telnet/serial client of choice on Windows. I've got it open on COM4 (Ir dongle is plugged into COM2 and my IrCOMM driver in Windows is mapping COM4 to the virtual IrCOMM port through the dongle).

The way I'd expect it to work is that I could cat /dev/ircomm0 on the empeg and see the results of my typing in the "COM4" window on my PC. In stead, I only see errors stating "IrLAP, no activity on link!" and "irmanager is not running!".

I'm curious about the irmanager not running error since all the docs I see online say that irmanager isn't needed anymore and in current builds of the irda-utils, it doesn't even exist. When I grep through all my irda-utils sources, I can't find that error message. Is it being generated by an older (and perhaps incompatible) IR driver in the kernel? (hijack 151)
--The Amigo