Yep, I made symlinks for all of 'em. I have an alias called "empeg" that prepends the armtools bin dir to my path. I have another alias called "tivo" that prepends my ppc toolchain's bin dir to my path. Having them as aliases, by default "gcc" runs my native compiler.

Right now, what I'm interested in doing is setting up a working IrCOMM connection to the empeg. I've got IrCOMM set up on my Win98 box through an external IR dongle. I can run a terminal program to COM4 (the virtual com port provided by my Windows IrCOMM driver) and point the dongle at the empeg (currently about 4 inches away). But I still have some work to do on the empeg side. Do you have IrCOMM support already compiled into hijack or do I need to compile my own modules and load them? I noticed that I don't have a /proc/modules so I can't tell what modules are loaded.
--The Amigo