To clarify:

MP3 files have ID3v2 headers. These consist of "frames". We import a limited subset of these, and transfer them into the *1 file, mapping them to our internal names (e.g. TALB is mapped to "source").

Thus, the album art _is_not_ included.

These *1 files are then compiled into the /empeg/var/database and /empeg/var/tags files on the player. If you add your own custom tags to the *1 file, (e.g. by using emptool), these extra tags will be compiled into the database file.

This database file is then loaded into memory on the car player. This is where the memory limitation comes in. This is why we only import a limited subset of the ID3v2 frames into the *1 file.

This _file_ is where emplode loads its data from -- it doesn't ever read the *1 files.

So, if you add MM volume levelling stuff to your MP3 files, we ignore it. If you add extra tags to the *1 files, we don't.
-- roger