Yeah it's getting to that point again when a nntp interface would be real handy.

What method do you old hands use to read all the new posts in a day without having to reopen and skim through the entirety of every thread that has a new post?

Like in a newsreader or mail client if it's a mailing list, i can just go next next next to read each new message by thread.

At the moment i am going to the general index, waiting a minute for that to load, then clicking on a thread waiting for that to load, then i either go next wait wait wait next wait wait wait next. Which doesn't go to just the new messages, but goes through all of them. Or i click on flat and wait a minute for that to load and still have to skim through all the messages, but at least i don't have to wait for them to load one by one.

The other thing i've been using lately is the all new messages in the last 24 hours feature. But then when i click on a message i still end up clicking on flat so that i can see the context in which it is written. And viewing them by last 24 hours, you can't sort by thread so all the messages get mixed up and i end up reading threads twice etc etc