Hmm, no deductible, huh? Where do you live, maybe we can work something out? :-)

Just kidding. I've had my stereo stolen twice now, and the Empeg is the replacement for the last one that was stolen. I'm still kind of stinging from it. So I can't imagine someone leaving something as cool as the Empeg in the car unattended.

Good news is, I once had a full-pullout CD player for a while, and during that period, my car never got broken into. So I feel that my car is pretty safe as long as I make sure to remove the Empeg from the dash when I leave it.

As far as your specific question- Have you tried wiring the Empeg to the ignition instead of the constant-power? That way, you wouldn't need to go to the extra trouble of putting it on standby.

Tony Fabris