Cool. These look good too. I've already ordered the RCA unit, though. My reasoning is that in addition to having 6 inputs and IR controll, the only downsides to the unit were ones I didn't have to worry about. That review said that it had some S-Video problems. Nothing in my system has S-Video, so no worry there

So all this, and I got the RCA for $84 from that link that Loren posted. As I think he said, I can't see spending twice that for a 4 input device. I've got a cheapo Radio Shack switcher here on my desk that I'm using with my PC for a bunch of stuff. I've also got an even cheaper one on my HT system now with 3 inputs, but I've got to get up to switch it and as I said, it's only got 3. So that's what brought about the post.

Much thanks to Loren for what seems to be the best choice out there at present, and for the cheapest place to buy it. I'll let you know how it does in my system