I saw another segment with the dorky kid on TechTV Live (the one that just needs to CALM DOWN) and he said that CD's were 41MegaHertz. He kept teetering back and forth - KHz or Mhz? KHz or Mhz? Then he decided it was Mhz..... I almost called in to say not only is it KHz, but it is 44.1.

But still, the guys on the Screen Savers seem pretty cool and often take a responsible stance on issues like pirating and what not. We can't expect them all to be audio geeks like us!

BTW: My wife HATES the show, but I tell her to say that the next time she or one of her family members is calling my cell phone for "Free Tech Service." hehe I know that happens to a lot of us.

One request: Is there anyway us empeg members could have our usernames and passwords copied over to the HSX109 board? Yes, I have been THAT lazy a few times, in fact, I originally wanted to start this thread over there.
Brad B.