It's up over $200 now... nine days to go in the auction, "Reserve Not Yet Met".

C'mon, Steve, what kind of reserve price do you have on it? You can tell me -- I won't tell anybody. ;-) I'll betcha it's at least a thousand dollars, though.

Seriously, you'd probably do better selling it here (on the BBS) than on ebay, although by the time your auction is over on ebay just about everyone here will have gone there. (Hint to empeg wanna-haves: it's auction #179246564, ends 10/20/99 at about 1:49 pm California time.)

I'd bid on it myself, but I want to start out with a larger hard drive...

Good luck with your auction. It'll be interesting to see if the auction price actually goes over the $1199 retail price.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"