One last thing, I have a tuner with my riocar, but I also own an Alpine 7940 CD Tuner Head Unit, with the ERAG320 Equalizer. Will the EQ in the riocar be as good as the Alpine?

I know nothing about the equalizer on the Alpine, but here are some questions you need to ask yourself:

- Does it have more than ten bands? The Rio Car can have up to have ten bands of correction available.

- Does it allow you to EQ the front and rear speaker separately? Or the left and right speakers separately? The Rio Car allows this.

- Is each of the bands fully parametric? The Rio Car's equalizer is.

- Does it allow you to store 16 separate named equalizer presets? The Rio Car does.

How's the Alpine looking now?

Should I save the tuner and put in my Alpine equipment?

That depends on the car and you. Only if the car has a full double-DIN opening in the dash should you even begin to consider installing the Alpine. If it does, then you need to ask yourself if playing the occasional CD is important to you.

Personally, I bought the empeg because I specifically wanted to be rid of CDs in my car completely. And everyone who has both a Rio Car player and a CD installed always says that the CD just gathers dust. If you choose to leave the Alpine out of the equation, you will not miss it.

Another thing to consider is how gaudy does the Alpine look? You will come to like the smooth lines and clean simplicity of the Rio Car in your dash, and the Alpine unit will look garish and busy next to it.

Let us know what you choose.
Tony Fabris