So do you ever have interference problems when you use this US Robotics thing or reduced high
frequency? After all, that US Robotics device still uses an analog FM transmitter even if it is at the
900 MHz band. I too have a high end, but stereo-only system. I had a similar device that operated
on 2.4 GHz. When it worked, it truncated some of the highs and was afflicted with sporadic
interference problems.

Your 100 VBR MP3s are of good quality? I assume the 100 refers to the bit rate? Wow, I find such
low bit rates unlistenable, even with VBR. I use 192 CBR and can still tell the difference between the
MP3 and the original.

I like the idea behind the SimpleFi device because the digital transmission alleviates much of the
shortcomings of radio transmission of audio. I hope it has a buffer though or there will probably be
dropouts in the sound. I was actually looking into developing a similar, but superior device a while
ago, but could not come up with the funds.

If you want it to break, buy Sony!