The following comment applies to 2.0, which is currently in beta:

The code is in emplode to follow Windows shortcuts. I don't know if it works correctly. I've never used it.

One problem that I can forsee is that it'll probably not deduplicate correctly -- i.e. if a shortcut points to an item that is imported from another location, you'll end up with two copies. I say this, because the .m3u import suffers from this problem.

As far as deduplication goes, a duplicate is spotted by using a subset of the ID3 tags compared with emplode's tags. This is by no means foolproof. It even has problems if you import two files with equivalent tags in the same drag-and-drop motion.

Eventually, it'll get fixed. Some of these issues are on the internal bug list already. Some aren't.

When you receive your player, have a play with it and report any that you find.

If, on the other hand, you don't fancy being used as a Guinea-pig (sp?), stick with v1.03, which is the last released stable version of the software.
-- roger