You mean there's a such thing as a 100mbps hub which won't drop back to 10 on slow ports? I've never bought a 100mbps hub before, only switches. All my hubs are 10s, all my switches 100s...

As far as having to buy a new hub... you won't have to use the ethernet if you don't want to. It'll still have the USB port which (theoretically) would allow uploads at about the same speed as ethernet.

Rob, if you're listening, have you done any "upload races" between USB and ethernet on your Mk2 prototypes? Are they about the same?

Too bad you can't do web management on the Empeg. That would instantly make it 100 percent cross-platform compatible, and there would be no worries about writing a Mac Emplode.

-- Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.
Tony Fabris