I always thought that the side enclosures were a really good idea, but $225 for something that could be done by yourself with a little patience is waaay too much. very cool though.

I'd bother with doing it myself, but I'm more of a 24 15"s loaded in the back of a van kind of guy, ha ha ha ha, too bad right now I sold off my 1 15" to buy an extra 30gig HD. so I'm without for now, and would be happy with two 8's

keep us informed nick, sounds cool, and it'll help give me motivation to get out and install mine.

Empeg 50gig MkIIa (stolen :'(, my baby) In an Impreza 2.5 RS-T -also (new additions to the family)- Empeg 10gig MkIIa Empeg 50gig MkIIa